Our honor choir students were amazing today!

Partner work on volume in math class.

BTMS students in downtown Cincy for honor choir today!

Baker / Essig classes completing the History unit on Lewis and Clark have “stairwell class” utilizing the topographical map to trace the route and find out interesting facts.

Students in Mrs. Patrick’s class are working through six different learning/activity stations on Mesopotamia.

Some teachers having fun dressing like twins.😊

Sixth graders working together to identify independent and dependent variables in tables, graphs, and word problems.

Having a "campfire " style meeting to discuss the novel we just finished reading.

Students are engaging in a social/empathy “experiment” during “The Boy in the Striped Pajamas” unit.

It is almost time for the big wrestling event with Northern Wrestling Federation!🤼♀️ Doors open at 6 PM and wrestling starts at 7 PM tonight!

Mrs. Parlier’s homeroom decided to dress up like “the old days” after discussions during our novel.

Playing headbands is one of the options for 7th student who earn free time on Fridays afternoons.

6th graders enjoying Flex in the sun!

Two more students got a full size candy bar for saying all the presidents in order. Congratulations, Kayley and Christian!

Sixth graders in PLTW class have been exploring the wonders of space and the challenges of living there. They even got to build their own water filters and test water from different sources.

Group work on area of composite figures.

8th graders began their Heredity unit by playing a game of Hit the Target.

8th graders in Ms. Kincer’s class are kicking off their Anne Frank unit by viewing a timeline of her life and the Holocaust.

Students in Mrs. Pipes’ class are researching how different things affect the teenage brain.