Congratulations to Makenzie and Kiele for their perfect score on the OST math test last May!

Just a couple more weeks until we are back in school! Make sure to update your Final Forms information (https://betheltate-oh.finalforms.com/) as that is how we email out our weekly bulletin every Sunday! The first one will be sent out tomorrow.

Our BTMS PBIS team (Mrs. Reynolds, Mrs. Lewis, and Mrs. Frazier) presented at a national conference in Texas last week on "Following the Tiger Way"! They did an amazing job and they continue to do great work with our kids everyday.

There will be a mandatory MS football cheer (7th/8th grade) interest meeting on 7/26 at 6:15pm in Mrs. Carnahan's room at BTMS. Enter the last door in the front parking lot. A guardian must attend the meeting. Email Shari.carnahan@betheltate.org if you cannot attend by 7/26.

Back to School Immunizations at BTMS provided by Clermont County Public Health on August 24th from 3:00-5:00 PM. If interested call 513-735-8400 to schedule an appointment.

We have had excellent attendance at volleyball open gym and football conditioning so far. It’s not too late to get in shape! Log into Final Forms and add your fall sport to get started.

Look at our gym floor shine! Thank you to our dedicated custodial staff for taking pride in our facilities.

We are excited to welcome back Heather Frost! She will be working with our gifted students at BTMS and Bick. Heather says that she has the best job in the world and is passionate about helping her students discover the potential that lies inside each and every one of them!

BTMS is seeking energetic and spirited 7th and 8th graders for football cheer. If interested, please add football cheer to sports in Final Forms. You may also email Mrs.Carnahan with your interest at Shari.carnahan@betheltate.org.

Great article on Coach Essig! Way to represent Bethel-Tate! Go Tigers!

We are so excited to welcome Mr. Jared Cox to our BTMS family! He will be teaching 7th grade math and social studies next school year. Check out more about him on our website (https://www.betheltate.org/2/home).